The presence of the customer and technical support that a shared hosting company offers will tell you a lot about the services which they provide too. When you can use just e-mails and tickets, you have most likely found some reseller not the actual web hosting provider. When this is the case, you will have to wait for several days to have an issue resolved as your reseller may not be checking their communication regularly or they may have to contact the true website hosting company for extra assistance. When the provider offers several options for communication with fast response time that are available at any moment, they are almost certainly the top provider, not a reseller. So you will take advantage of prompt assistance and quality support as they'll have immediate access to the servers where your account will be created. Regardless of the problem - sales or technical, it is generally better to contact your hosting company right away using your preferred way of communication.

24/7 Customer Support in Shared Hosting

We offer 24/7 billing, customer and tech support for our shared hosting. Even if you are not our client yet and you have questions, we can give you a hand right away and supply you with the necessary info, in order to give you a choice to make the very best decision when you acquire your new hosting account. We're available at any time, including weekends and holidays, and we provide you with multiple ways of communication to contact us - phone, live chat, email messages and support tickets. For your benefit, we have a couple of phone numbers worldwide, therefore you'll be able to call the one which is closer to you. The max response time for the emails and your tickets is one hour. The regular response time is no more than 15-20 minutes, which means that you can forget about waiting for days to get assistance for some task or issue, whatever its difficulty.