Discover what Memcached is and why lots of people utilize it for their databases.
Memcached is a caching system, which is used to supercharge the performance of database-powered sites by caching the queries and the responses between the user and the server. In other words, every time a given page on such a website is accessed, the script sends a database query to get the info that should be shown to the website visitor. If the latter clicks a link to visit a different web page, the entire procedure is performed again and this generates multiple database queries and higher server load, even more so if the site has a lot of concurrent visitors. Memcached "remembers" this information exchange, so in case any of these pages is accessed again, the script no longer has to cull any data from the database, since everything is provided by the caching platform. Thus, the overall load speed of your website will "soar" and you will have more pleased visitors and they’ll be able to surf through your site faster. Besides, Memcached "refreshes" its cache every time any content in the database is modified, so the site users will never end up seeing outdated content.
Memcached in Shared Hosting
Memcached is available as an optional upgrade with each and every shared hosting account offered by our company and if you’d like to use it for any script-driven Internet site that you host on our cutting-edge cloud hosting platform, you’ll be able to activate it in a couple of simple steps via your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In the meantime, you’ll get the option to upgrade two different things – the number of instances and the memory. The first one has to do with the number of the Internet sites that can use Memcached simultaneously, so if you need it for several sites, you can get a number of instances. The second one has to do with the total amount of memory that the system will be able to use in order to cache data, so for plenty of sites (or for one single resource-absorbing site), you may want to order more memory for improved performance. The memory is offered in increments of 16 MB and more memory can be added at any point. With the Memcached caching system, every script-powered site hosted on our cloud servers will load lightning-fast.